
Caitlin: 2 years old

My little girl is 2 years old. It seems so surreal. Ever since we found out we were pregnant with Nolan we had been thinking Caitlin would be "almost 2" when he was born. Then for the last like 4 months we've been saying she's "almost 2" and now that almost is real. She's officially 2 and I'm a little bit in denial about it.

Caitlin is just a fun little girl. She IS fun and she likes to HAVE fun, all day long with no stops preferably. She has a mind and personality of her own and as soon as she decides you're OK, she will show it to you (there is usually a little 10 minute window in which you think shes being shy but really she's deciding if you are going to earn her approval or not.. you have to earn it with her. But 9 times out of 10 she warms up). She is usually a happy girl and one if my favorite things about her is how inclusive she is. If someone is doing something she wants everyone to be doing it. If she shows one person something she wants to show everyone. She likes to make sure everyone is around and having fun with her. She likes having attention but doesn't always like to perform. She can be very independent but she usually doesn't like doing things by herself. If she can have someone with her she wants that, so she still wants me to always play with her or go places with her or walk around the house with her.

She is, and really always has been, a busy body. Even watching tv is an interactive event for her: she wants to talk about everything going on and point things out and climb on you in between snuggling and have a snack and/or drink. She has more energy than I think she knows what to do with. She is an expert climber and is constantly surprising me with her abilities and new tricks.

She is a chatterbox... always talking about something whether we can understand her or not. Silence is usually not a good sign. I think she is talking pretty well for her age, and she has actually improved a ton even just in the last couple of weeks. She can say lots of things and is starting to combine more words together to form full ideas. She definitely learns more everyday and surprises me with things i didn't even know that she knew. Like the other day when she was playing in her room and I was next door in the baby's room and she counted from 5-10. Here i was concentrating on making sure she knew 1-5 but turns out she knows all the way to 10. She is also learning a lot of colors and as always her animal vocabulary is quite extensive. She says "hi" all the time... comes around a corner and says hi, sees a new person and says hi, wants to get your attention and says hi. My favorite is when I come in to get her in the morning or from a nap and she hos right up and says "hi!". She is super stubborn. When she gets an idea in her head of something she wants, she WILL NOT let it go, no matter how may times you tell her no or try to distract her. She will repeat that over and over. She is very determined. And she's really smart. She has to decide to do something herself before she will do it.

She loves music: she likes to sing songs and just recently has she decided to sing along. I think she's probably known the words for awhile but now she has decided she wants to sing and it is super cute.  She also likes listening to music and dancing. She is a messy messy child. If there is an opportunity to make a mess in any situation, she will. We will have no clothes to pass on from this stage because they are all stained and ruined. She is still very curious, ever since she was a baby.

She is a champion snacker, but not a great meal eater. She rather just snack all day and even when she eats a meal she will eat better if she is distracted. This gives me anxiety because I don't want her to be picky and of course I mostly want her to eat good things so she can be healthy so that's my biggest challenge. She has a major sweet tooth and LOVES any form of candy or dessert. But, she seems to be growing fine full of goldfish crackers and blueberries or whatever other snack she chooses. 

Last but definitely not least, she is a great sleeper. Unfortunately naps are getting a little shorter and a little more few and far between, but sometimes its nice not to completely have to plan around nap time. Most days she will still nap for an hour to two hours and then at night she is great: goes down at about 8:30 and doesn't wake up til between 9:30-10. I love our lazy mornings.

If it's not obvious enough: we love our little girl. Paul and I are completely obsessed with her and she is really a shining light in our house. She is a daddy's girl and has him wrapped around her finger for sure. She makes things interesting in every way possible and she is a really fun mix of both Paul and my personality. It has been a joy watching her grow up thus far and seeing her take on a new role of being a big sister, which she has been great at. We think she's pretty amazing, and that she will make a fantastic 2 year old!

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